I suspect your employer would probably fire your ass if you were dumb enough to do something like that. Let the words, and their meaning, and the implications sink in. I'll let you try to figure this one out all by your lonesome. Wait you think im a bad parent because id let me kids go outside and play with out gps tracking them?Īh, no. I'm not a religious man, but I am fervently praying to all major deities to make sure sift does not procreate. Sift's daughter is going to be "popular". usually the kids doing all the crazy shiat are the ones with parents who just dont give a fark at all. they might get into trouble, they might do something against the rules, but if you raised your kids right, they most likely will act proper. Just like i wouldn't bar my kids from going outside of the house without me, or going to there friends place. im just saying, i wouldn't bar my kids from having a computer in there room when there in the age range of 14-18. hell, even look through your internet logs and whatnot and snoop in there computer. tell them not to do it, and hopefully they wont. Sift: Thudfark: mycatisposter: sift: "he was talking about kids sending nude pictures to each other or to adults?" he didnt' expose some private fetish of hers. you are acting as if being in a porno is so bad that, even tho legal, if anyone should find out about it, and tell others, they should be sued for the damages it causes you. I think you guys are the ones stretching it. a 14 year old impressionable boy sees a 'hot' employee at his school, sees her in a porn movie. How can you prove his intent was to do damage to her? he asked her for an autograph, he could very easily argue he was doing iit because he was a fan. You never know, failure to understand the legal consequences of your actions could come back to bite you someday. You should really get this concept through your head for your own well-being. Given a decent lawyer and a well-chosen jury, she could probably sue successfully. The information being public or private doesn't matter, regardless of whether that makes sense to you or not. I know nothing about Canadian law, but I'd be surprised if it were much different in this respect). That (plus being able to show damages) is enough to base at least a civil case upon (in the US. but he basically made an unwanted fan page If he released private information or made up lies i would understand there being an inssue. I am waiter hear me roar: sift: he intended to reveal public information.